Welcome Class of 2021

Welcome to Liberty High School!

Welcome Class of 2021!

This is your Advisory space for your academic career at Liberty High School.  Your advisory teacher is different than a classroom teacher in that there is no grade for this class. The advisory teacher will support you in a variety of ways from academic support to building relationships as well as connecting you to community involvement and events. Here is an overview of the purpose of advisory:

Accountability:  Liberty High School students, with the support of the Advisory teacher, will...
  • build an academic portfolio via an on-line program called Family Connections/Naviance
  • each student and advisory teacher will conference weekly regarding academic successes and/or support

Building Relationships:  Each advisory class...
  • consists of approximately 20 students with one Advisory teacher
  • will loop together each year of high school with the same Advisory teacher
  • will partner with LINK Crew (student mentors) for various group activities
Community:  Liberty High School students will...
  • participate in school spirit activities such as athletic and academic award assemblies
  • have opportunities to donate items of need to the Liberty community as well as help raise money for causes such as United Way
  • attend presentations regarding:
    • school to career readiness
    • drug and alcohol prevention
    • anti-bullying 
    • digital citizenship and responsibilities
Advisory time allows you to partner with your advisory teacher and classmates for the intent of supporting one another throughout high school. 

Liberty High School
Blue Jays
Welcomes YOU!